BBF News and Notes
Beloved in Christ,
The 2023 BBF Summer Conference was a blessing to all who attended. We studied the theme “God’s Prophetic Promises” with 15 speakers from across the country speaking on topics related to our theme. Pastor Jim Tollar was the Bible Hour speaker and his messages were on “Answering God’s Call”.
The 2024 Conference will be the second year dealing with prophetic subjects and the theme is “The Testimony of Jesus…is the Spirit of Prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). Travis LaBrake will be the Bible Hour speaker and will teach us about “God’s Amazing Grace.”
There is a spirit of oneness as we gather together as like-minded believers and study the Bible, rightly divided. We rely on volunteers from outside of our host church, Community Bible Church, to carry the work load of putting on the conference. We need your help to make the conference run smoothly, so we would encourage you to contact us for areas where you can serve during the week. To see the opportunities available, you are welcome to email me at [email protected] or call or text 217-820-7098. There is lots to be done including: setting up on the Saturday before the conference and tearing down on Thursday; working the registration tables; serving the Noon meals; sweeping and mopping in the gym; vacuuming the worship area; cleaning the rest rooms, greeters for each session and so much more. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you can help serve the Lord during this week.
Along with the physical service we can offer the Lord, BBF also relies on your financial support to cover the costs of our ministry. There are some new areas where your financial gifts will be used along with our regular expenses. Both individuals and churches support us in this area to defray the costs of things like: insurance; office supplies and printing of the conference brochures and these News and Notes; reimbursing our host church for their expenses and giving them a love gift; modest honorariums for speakers and workers; and our CD\DVD ministry. New for 2024 we will be streaming the messages on our own software. The annual costs of our ministry run about $15,000 per year and the Lord has supplied our financial needs through the generosity of our donors. We will continue the CD and DVD ministry for those who want that form of media, but have also placed past messages on YouTube and will continue to do so for future conferences. Thank you to board member Ray Seiler for doing this. Our desire is to get the grace message into as many hands as we can though these avenues. We will also advertise on Facebook and our web site (
An additional way for people to serve during the conference is by providing special music for the 10:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. sessions. If you are interested in providing music for our services, please contact me using the BBF email above or the phone number listed. We would also encourage those with musical abilities to sing in the conference choir. We practice on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 6:00 in the worship area and sing at the 7:00 service on those two nights. We also sing at the Thursday service at 1:15 p.m.
Ray Seiler said it best in the 2023 News and Notes and I would like to quote a paragraph from what he wrote: “There are no unimportant members of the Body of Christ, and without you, this conference would not be possible. There are many areas of service needed each year. Would you please pray about taking advantage of these opportunities and let us know how and where you would like to serve the Lord during the conference? We cannot do it without you.” Our goal is to take the load off of Pastor Jeff Seekins, our host, and the folks from his congregation. Your help is needed to make this possible.
At the BBF board meeting last June we elected officers and they started their duties after the 2023 conference. Here are the officers and board members:
President: Pastor Ken Lawson – [email protected]
Vice-president: Pastor Don Hosfeld – [email protected]
Secretary/Treasurer: Pastor Wes Barteck – [email protected]
Board Members: David Brown – [email protected]
Pastor John Fredericksen – [email protected]
Travis LaBrake – [email protected]
Ray Seiler – [email protected]
The 2023 FALL Conference was hosted by Pastor Matt Ritchey and the saints at Croton Community Church in Newaygo, Michigan. Seven messages were presented on “The Fruit of the Spirit” including: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness/Goodness, Faith and Meekness/Temperance. We enjoyed a wonderful time around the Word of God plus sweet fellowship and great food.
Why not make plans now to attend the 2024 Fall Bible Conference which will be held at Friendship Congregational Bible Church in Friendship, Wisconsin. Pastor Denny Kenepp and the folks from his church are starting to prepare for this event. Brochures will be available at the June conference and the details will also be placed on our website and advertised on Facebook.
As we prepare for the conference in Tipp City which starts on Sunday, June 16 and runs through Thursday, June 20, 2024, please be in prayer for the speakers as they prepare their messages, for those who will be teaching the children and teens and for all the other folks that are already working to make the conference run smoothly and successfully. Remember, we need your help to make this conference a blessing for all who will attend.
In His Grace,
Pastor Wes Barteck
Berean Bible Fellowship Contact Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 75, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085-0075
Email: [email protected] Phone: 217-820-7098
Beloved in Christ,
The 2023 BBF Summer Conference was a blessing to all who attended. We studied the theme “God’s Prophetic Promises” with 15 speakers from across the country speaking on topics related to our theme. Pastor Jim Tollar was the Bible Hour speaker and his messages were on “Answering God’s Call”.
The 2024 Conference will be the second year dealing with prophetic subjects and the theme is “The Testimony of Jesus…is the Spirit of Prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). Travis LaBrake will be the Bible Hour speaker and will teach us about “God’s Amazing Grace.”
There is a spirit of oneness as we gather together as like-minded believers and study the Bible, rightly divided. We rely on volunteers from outside of our host church, Community Bible Church, to carry the work load of putting on the conference. We need your help to make the conference run smoothly, so we would encourage you to contact us for areas where you can serve during the week. To see the opportunities available, you are welcome to email me at [email protected] or call or text 217-820-7098. There is lots to be done including: setting up on the Saturday before the conference and tearing down on Thursday; working the registration tables; serving the Noon meals; sweeping and mopping in the gym; vacuuming the worship area; cleaning the rest rooms, greeters for each session and so much more. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you can help serve the Lord during this week.
Along with the physical service we can offer the Lord, BBF also relies on your financial support to cover the costs of our ministry. There are some new areas where your financial gifts will be used along with our regular expenses. Both individuals and churches support us in this area to defray the costs of things like: insurance; office supplies and printing of the conference brochures and these News and Notes; reimbursing our host church for their expenses and giving them a love gift; modest honorariums for speakers and workers; and our CD\DVD ministry. New for 2024 we will be streaming the messages on our own software. The annual costs of our ministry run about $15,000 per year and the Lord has supplied our financial needs through the generosity of our donors. We will continue the CD and DVD ministry for those who want that form of media, but have also placed past messages on YouTube and will continue to do so for future conferences. Thank you to board member Ray Seiler for doing this. Our desire is to get the grace message into as many hands as we can though these avenues. We will also advertise on Facebook and our web site (
An additional way for people to serve during the conference is by providing special music for the 10:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. sessions. If you are interested in providing music for our services, please contact me using the BBF email above or the phone number listed. We would also encourage those with musical abilities to sing in the conference choir. We practice on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 6:00 in the worship area and sing at the 7:00 service on those two nights. We also sing at the Thursday service at 1:15 p.m.
Ray Seiler said it best in the 2023 News and Notes and I would like to quote a paragraph from what he wrote: “There are no unimportant members of the Body of Christ, and without you, this conference would not be possible. There are many areas of service needed each year. Would you please pray about taking advantage of these opportunities and let us know how and where you would like to serve the Lord during the conference? We cannot do it without you.” Our goal is to take the load off of Pastor Jeff Seekins, our host, and the folks from his congregation. Your help is needed to make this possible.
At the BBF board meeting last June we elected officers and they started their duties after the 2023 conference. Here are the officers and board members:
President: Pastor Ken Lawson – [email protected]
Vice-president: Pastor Don Hosfeld – [email protected]
Secretary/Treasurer: Pastor Wes Barteck – [email protected]
Board Members: David Brown – [email protected]
Pastor John Fredericksen – [email protected]
Travis LaBrake – [email protected]
Ray Seiler – [email protected]
The 2023 FALL Conference was hosted by Pastor Matt Ritchey and the saints at Croton Community Church in Newaygo, Michigan. Seven messages were presented on “The Fruit of the Spirit” including: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness/Goodness, Faith and Meekness/Temperance. We enjoyed a wonderful time around the Word of God plus sweet fellowship and great food.
Why not make plans now to attend the 2024 Fall Bible Conference which will be held at Friendship Congregational Bible Church in Friendship, Wisconsin. Pastor Denny Kenepp and the folks from his church are starting to prepare for this event. Brochures will be available at the June conference and the details will also be placed on our website and advertised on Facebook.
As we prepare for the conference in Tipp City which starts on Sunday, June 16 and runs through Thursday, June 20, 2024, please be in prayer for the speakers as they prepare their messages, for those who will be teaching the children and teens and for all the other folks that are already working to make the conference run smoothly and successfully. Remember, we need your help to make this conference a blessing for all who will attend.
In His Grace,
Pastor Wes Barteck
Berean Bible Fellowship Contact Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 75, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085-0075
Email: [email protected] Phone: 217-820-7098
BBF Membership
January 2022
The Berean Bible Fellowship Board has recently decided to eliminate individual and couples membership in BBF and collecting membership fees. This was originally put in place when we held an annual business meeting. After studying the Scriptures related to this the board has decided that the Board is responsible for overseeing and running the ministry of Berean Bible Fellowship with input from those who attend our conferences. If you have any questions related to this decision please contact one of the Board members.
In His Grace,
Pastor Wes Barteck
Board Secretary
The Berean Bible Fellowship Board has recently decided to eliminate individual and couples membership in BBF and collecting membership fees. This was originally put in place when we held an annual business meeting. After studying the Scriptures related to this the board has decided that the Board is responsible for overseeing and running the ministry of Berean Bible Fellowship with input from those who attend our conferences. If you have any questions related to this decision please contact one of the Board members.
In His Grace,
Pastor Wes Barteck
Board Secretary

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